At a distance of only 8 kilometers from the center of Athens there is a small paradise waiting to be discovered and explored. This is the Botanical Garden, bequeathed by the couple Iulia and Alexandros Diomedes, the largest in area both in Greece and in the Eastern Mediterranean.


An area of 1860 hectares covered by mostly natural vegetation that includes more than 550 species. A green oasis that offers coolness, relaxation and a unique experience of contact with nature. It is the ideal escape option from the bustling and crowded center of Athens. With a greenhouse, plant nursery, arboretum and a huge variety of plants of which perhaps the most important are the historical plants, which are not found anywhere, in any other Botanical Garden in the whole world. These are plants that we find in mythological references, others whose use is described in texts by ancient authors, not exclusively botanists, and some that are mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.


The Garden is under the auspices of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and beyond the priceless plant wealth one can participate to scientific, educational and recreational activities offered to “children” of all ages that are also very important and interesting.


It’s worth a visit and spend some of your time to browse it. Try it and you won’t regret it.